Sunday, May 31, 2009

Shawl-Collared Jacket-NEXT!

I bought the recommended Homepun yarn today on sale at Joanne's for only $20. If I like the pattern I might make it again with better yarn.

I'm confused by the first line of the pattern. Slip stitch the first stitch then knit the rest? Is that right?

And just straight needles for this one?

1 comment:

Lory said...

$20 is a deal! I think it's nice yarn if you don't mind acrylic. Pretty colors and texture.
You can use straight needles or circular for a cardigan (just knit back and forth, instead of around). It says in the pattern you need a 29 inch circular to make the collar. You might as well use it for everything, unless you prefer straight.
Be sure to make a large enough gauge swatch for this one. It should be more than 4 inches square, so cast on at least 24 stitches.
You can't slip a stitch on the cast-on row, obviously, but after that you can start. Just put your needle into the first stitch as if you were going to knit, but then slip it onto the right needle without wrapping the yarn. Knit the second stich as usual. You will see it makes a neat edge without any "bumps."